Articles | Volume 46, issue 1
01 Jan 1996
 | 01 Jan 1996

Zur jungholozänen Oberflächen- und Bodenentwicklung der Siegaue im Hennefer Mäanderbogen

Karl Heusch, Johannes Botschek, and Armin Skowronek

Abstract. The flood loams in the Sieg valley near Hennef were investigated with geomorphological, sedimentological and pedological methods. They are free of carbonate. Four late Holocene floodplain terraces can be seperated and dated. On the Upper Floodplain Terrace an Auenparabraunerde-Auenbraunerde (Fluvi-Luvic Cambisol) of early Iron Age was found. The pedogenesis on the older Middle Floodplain Terrace lead to a Typische Auenbraunerde (Fluvi-Eutric Cambisol) of Latene Age. The younger part of this terrace is covered by a Braunauenboden (Eutric Fluvisol) of late Middle Ages/modern times. The Lower Floodplain Terrace is the youngest formation, at most 200 years old. It is characterized by an Auengley/Auenregosol (Fluvi-Eutric Gleysol). The Parabraunerde (Luvisol) on the Weichselian Low Terrace is supposed to be of Bronze Age. That anthropogenic flood loams bury traces of a presumably early Holocene soil on the Low Terrace.
